Power Bleach

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The trend these days is towards a whiter, brighter smile. With today’s technologies, we are no longer forced to live with stained, yellowed or discolored teeth. There are different ways to whiten your teeth, but one of the most effective and fastest ways to a whiter smile is by power bleaching.

Power bleaching can be done several ways but the general process is the same. An ‘in office’ procedure that uses a stronger bleaching solution is used to alter or bleach the color of the teeth. The bleaching solution we use is much stronger than the ones available in whitening toothpaste – at approximately one percent hydrogen peroxide, or over the counter tooth whitening kits – at around 10-16 percent hydrogen peroxide. The bleaching solution used in power bleaching through our dental office is between 30-35 percent hydrogen peroxide, resulting in faster, whiter smiles and cleaner, brighter teeth. Let’s look at the different ways that power bleaching can be achieved: